All alumni email accounts beyond 12 months of graduation will expire, meaning alumni will no longer have access to their email account.

If you do not actively use your UF alumni email, you do not need to do anything.  

If you use your UF alumni email, you are encouraged to migrate your email to another account and/or download any content you have within your Findlay email.  

Next Steps to Consider

  • Download or Copy All Important Files:  Migrate data from your email to another personal email account. These links contain information on how to save your Office 365 school account Files and move them to a personal OneDrive account.

  • Email Contacts:  Inform your email contacts that your email address is changing effective Sunday, June 26, 2022. Include your new email address in your signature line. You may consider turning on an auto-reply reminding people of your new email. Also, consider turning on email forwarding until your account is removed.
    • Please note: these services will end and Findlay will not be responsible for any forwarding/auto-reply settings after Sunday, June 26, 2022.

  • Email Associated with Other Accounts:  If you used your email address to open an account, change your communication preferences or open a new account with your new personal email address.

  • Trying to Access Email After DATE:  Your email will no longer be available for use after Sunday, June 26, 2022. Additionally, anyone sending an email to your account will receive a message that states "Your message to [email protected] couldn't be delivered."

  • Policy on Future UF Student/Alumni Email Accounts: University of Findlay student email accounts, including recent graduates' accounts, will remain active for twelve months following the last active enrollment for any term.