As part of our effort to streamline tools and improve efficiency, Zoom will be phased out and replaced by Microsoft Teams on May 9, 2025.

Zoom Cloud Recordings are intended to accommodate the ease of recording content directly to Zoom's service. This service is only available until May 9, 2025, and will be discontinued at that time.  Users who want to save their Zoom Cloud Recordings beyond May 9, 2025 will need to download the recording and store it in OneDrive, YouTube, or Canvas Studio.

Please use the following steps to download a Zoom Cloud Recording:

  1. Navigate to and sign in.
  2. Select Recordings on the left pane.
  3. On the row of a recording, select More and click Download.
  4. These files will contain the video (.mp4), a transcript file (VTT), and possibly an audio file (.mp3) of the recorded meeting.
  5. The transcript file (VTT) can be opened in Notepad or another text reader if you need it saved.
  6. Save the file(s) locally and then transfer the video file to YouTube, One Drive, or Canvas Studio depending on your video needs.

Please use the following links for help uploading your video content to a specific location:

Uploading content to OneDrive

Uploading content to YouTube

Uploading content to Canvas Studio

If you need assistance migrating Zoom Cloud Recordings to OneDrive, YouTube, or Canvas Studio, please contact Technology Support Services at 419-434-4357 x1  or send an email to [email protected].

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services


[email protected]