If you have used Proctorio in the past with tests in Canvas, but now are using Respondus, you will want to make sure that all data and settings are turned off for Proctorio. 

Below is a checklist to Remove Proctorio from your Canvas Course:

  1. Navigate to Settings-->Navigation and disable both of the Proctorio LTIs ('Secure Exam Proctor Proctorio' and 'Secure Exam Proctor (Proctorio)').  Once disabled, select Save at the bottom of the list.
  2. Remove the Proctorio extension from your browser:  Google Chrome    Firefox    Edge
  3. After removing the extension from your browser, edit each quiz/test and look in the instructions area for a red box about Proctorio.  If this box is present, delete this red box as if it were text.
  4. If Proctorio was enabled on a quiz/test in the past, be sure to also remove any passwords set on these quizzes/tests.

If you require any help with this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to ATS for assistance.  ATS can be contacts at 419-434-4357 x2 or send an email to [email protected]

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services
419-434-4357 option 2
[email protected]