In order to export a quiz from Canvas and save it using Word or another program, please follow these instructions. 

(Windows 10/8/7 ONLY)

Installing Respondus LE

  1. Download Respondus LE from the following URL:
  2. Launch/Run the installer and follow the onscreen prompts for the installation.
  3. Once finished, click Start type 'Responuds' and launch the application 
  4. Copy the product ID given to you and select the Register REspondus LE button.
  5. After clicking on the Register button, fill out the form using your Product ID from the register window.
  6. You will receive an activation email with a password to complete the registration. 
  7. Enter the password in the password box fo the Registration pop up and select Register.

Exporting Quiz From Canvas

  1. Export the Quiz from Canvas Follow these instructions from the Canvas Guides: Export Quiz content
  2. Export Tips:  Although Canvas will let you export all of your Quizzes at once, you must export only one at a time for the conversion to work.  Export the quizzes into a local folder on your computer that is easily found.  Keep track of the Quizzes and the order in which you export them, so you can identify them later.  The files will end up with the name of your course and a .zip extension.
  3. Once saved, you MUST unzip the quiz into its own folder.
  4. The quiz can be found under the folder with the long number/character name and is the XML file of the same name.

Save Quiz as a Word File

  1. Open Respondus LE.
  2. Select the Open button 
  3. In the Open Respondus File window, click the Browse button.
  4. Browse to the location of your exported quiz file folder.
  5. Change the file type in the file browse window from 'Respondus files' to 'IMS QTI questions'.
  6. Select the XML file of the long quiz name and click open.
  7. Once opened, you will be prompted to name the new Respondus document.
  8. Once saved, select the Quiz in your list and you will see statistics on the right panel for the Quiz.XML on the right pane.
  9. Click Open.
  10. Select the Preview and Publish tab. 
  11. Select the options you need from the Settings of 'Exam with Answer Key'.
  12. Select the 'Save to File' button and browse to a location to save this file.

If there are any images in the test, these will not come through on the questions.  However, the images can be found at the root of the .zip file folder.

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services


[email protected]