Once you have published a quiz, the quiz side panel will show the 'Moderate Quiz' link.  On this 'Moderate Quiz' page, you can view the progress of student submissions and view the number of quiz attempts each has taken.  You also can grant students extra attempts, extra time, and manually unlock quiz attempts.

Open Quizzes

Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.

Open Quiz

   Open Quiz

Click the name of the quiz.

Moderate This Quiz


Click the Moderate This Quiz link.

View Search Filter

   View Search Filter

To view the quiz attempts of a specific student, use the Search People field.

View Moderate Quiz Columns

   View Moderate Quiz Options

The Moderate Quiz page displays the following information:

  • 1 -Student name
  • 2 - Number of times the student has already attempted to take this quiz.
  • 3 - Quiz time—completed attempts show the time it took for the student to complete the quiz; running time shows the remaining time the student has to complete the quiz.
  • 4 - Number of remaining attempts, if any.
  • 5 - Quiz score—for multiple submissions, the score is the most recent attempt.
  • 6 - To Refresh the page and make sure all column statistics are current. Click the refresh icon.

View Current Attempt Time

   View Current Attempt Time

If you view the Moderate Quiz page while a student is currently taking a quiz, the Time column shows the running time for the quiz. When the time has expired, the Time column displays the submission as Time Up!

For non-timed quizzes, the timer counts down to the quiz Until date. If no Until date is set for the quiz, the quiz defaults to the course end date. The highest number of the display is in months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Note: When students are taking a non-timed quiz, their timer will show the elapsed time counting up.

View Timed Quiz Current Attempt Time

   View Timed Quiz Current Attempt Time

If you view the Moderate Quiz page while a student is currently taking a timed quiz, the Time column shows the running time remaining in the quiz [1]. When the time has expired, the Time column displays the submission as Time Up!

The quiz also displays a clock icon [2] that you can use to extend time on the current attempt.

Note: When students are taking a timed quiz, their timer will show the elapsed time counting down.

View Outstanding Submissions

   View Outstanding Submissions

If the page displays a warning message, the time has expired on one or more student submissions, but the submissions are outstanding and need to be manually submitted.

Moderate Quiz

   Moderate Quiz

You can use the Edit icon to moderate the quiz at any time for a student. Moderating a quiz lets you give students additional attempts and manually unlock quiz attempts. Depending on the quiz settings, you can also give additional time for timed quizzes and let students see quiz results one more time.

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services


[email protected]