When adding images to test questions, keep in mind that your student need access to view those images.  This is handled by permissions of the image that is stored in your course.

Image Stored in Canvas Course

You may upload an image into the course or add it while creating test questions or other content.  To ensure that your students are able to see the images, make sure that the image is published in the Files section of your course.  Locate the file and see if the publish icon is showing.  If it is not, then you must publish the file.

Google Drive LTI

Within your course, you may authorize Canvas to access your Google Drive files.  To create this authorization:

  •  Click on the Google Drive link in your course menu and select Authorize.
  • If you do not see Google Drive in your course menu, you may enable it in your course Settings --> Navigation menu.
  • Authorize and Sign into Google Drive with your UFNet account email address. 

  • Authorize by selecting Allow at the bottom of the screen.

Once authenticated, if you wish to use an image stored in your Google Drive within a test question, select the Google App icon in the question or content tool bar.

Locate and select the image that you want to show in the test question and click Embed.  Once the questions is saved, this content is ready for your test.

If you choose to use the Google Drive LTI, you students MUST authorize Google Drive for Canvas use.  Otherwise, they will not be able to see these images within the test questions.  If they have not performed this step before taking the test, they will be presented with a Log In message and Authorize button where the image resides:

Once authorized, they will then be able to see the image.

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services


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