All instructors have the ability to add users to their courses. The following roles allow for specific permissions to be given to those users added to the course by an instructor. The roles are as follows:

For instructors who need full access to the Canvas features for instruction.
For assistant instructors and teaching assistants.
For instructional designers (and staff with similar responsibilities) who write and manage course content, but do not actually teach courses or grade student work.

To invite additional users to your course with any of these roles, please use the following steps:

  1. Within the course, if you would like to invite a user, navigate to the People page.
  2. Click the +People button in the upper right corner of this page.
  3. Search for a user with 1 of the following: Email Address - Login ID (UFNet Username) - SIS UID (Workday UID#)
  4. Multiple users can be added at the same time by using a comma or line break between users.
  5. Select the role and section for this user.
  6. When selecting Next, the system will attempt to locate those users within the system.
  7. If all users have been located properly, you will see the following message: 
  8. If the system does not locate the users added, please DO NOT add them anyways and review your search criteria.
  9. If you are unable to locate a user in the system, please contact support for assistance.
  10. Click Add User to complete this action.

Once submitted, the user(s) will be sent an email and prompted on their Dashboard of the invitation to this course.

Removing Added Users in a Course

To remove an added user in a course, you must send a request to [email protected] to have these users removed from your course.

Please NOTE

Any additional instructors to a teacher role that are added to a course will be evaluated by the students at the end of the semester in EvaluationKit.  If an instructor is added but is not teaching, they should be added as a TA role in the course.

If you have any questions or issues, contact Technology Support Services


[email protected]